doli (directory of local independents) is the home-grown service that makes it easy for you to find and support the hospitality businesses that positively contribute to the fabric of your community.
Great food and drink are central to all healthy communities
but not all businesses are the same, so before you part with your hard earned, use the mobile friendly doli website or look for our doli logo in a business’s window, to confirm it’s going into the pockets of owners and neighbours that are as invested in your community as you are.
Yes, doli businesses are special, and to differentiate we asked ourselves one simple question… “what’s good for our community?” …and applied the following criteria whereby businesses must…
So, whether you’re in your own neighbourhood looking to try something new, or out and about in someone else’s, if you’re hungry or thirsty, ask a local and doli it.
And whilst you don’t have to be a Member to doli it, community requires participation to truly thrive… so c’mon, become a Member and give your favourite local some
Cheers, Team doli